


reach out


Break the Mold

Meet The Moment

Reclaim the Future

We've got to                       from the mold

break free

from the mold

break free

The one that’s normalized overwhelm, disconnection, bombs dropping, mouths hungry and the planet hurting. The one that’s created toxic-sized shapes to squeeze men into and limited the space that women can take up. The mold thats usefulness has long expired in helping us invest in today to create a better tomorrow.

The mold that has normalized overwhelm, disconnection, bombs dropping, mouths hungry and the planet hurting. The one that’s created toxic-sized shapes to squeeze men into and limited the space that women can take up. The out-dated mold whose usefulness has long expired in helping us invest in today to create a better tomorrow.

We've got to break free from the mold.

The one that’s normalized overwhelm, disconnection, bombs dropping, mouths hungry and the planet hurting. The one that’s created toxic-sized shapes to squeeze men into and limited the space that women can take up. The mold thats usefulness has long expired in helping us invest in today to create a better tomorrow.

The mold that has normalized overwhelm, disconnection, bombs dropping, mouths hungry and the planet hurting. The one that’s created toxic-sized shapes to squeeze men into and limited the space that women can take up. The out-dated mold whose usefulness has long expired in helping us invest in today to create a better tomorrow.

We've got to break free from the mold.


We've got to
get honest with ourselves.

We've got to get                 with

We feel it (you bet we do). Yet stuck in the story, we react in unconscious patterns, moving from one crisis to the next, without realizing we need to break out of the mold to generate transformation for ourselves and collectively. But now, the revolution is upon us and it’s time to do more. It’s time to do things differently. 

We don’t need a wake-up call.
We know what’s happening.

The truth is, humans are 


The truth is, humans are 


We are seeds of the stars and citizens of one world. 

We’re bestowed with enormous gifts, we have the capacity to evolve, the gift of tremendous creativity and ingenuity, and the means to go beyond what we once thought was impossible. It’s time to move away from a faulty operating system…the mold.

We are seeds of the stars and citizens of one world. 

We’re bestowed with enormous gifts, we have the capacity to evolve, the gift of tremendous creativity and ingenuity, and the means to go beyond what we once thought was impossible. It’s time to move away from a faulty operating system…the mold.

The truth is, humans are 


 personally and collectively.


It’s time to 

It's time to transform personally and collectively.

It’s how we get           


It’s how we get free.

 personally and collectively.


It’s time to 

 personally and collectively.

It’s how we get           


This is the kind of liberation where we play big, sing loud, heal and love courageously

This is the kind of liberation where we play big, sing loud, heal and love courageously

Seeing the world as a stage on which to explore the furthest reaches of what it is to be human. Where we choose to recognize and use the power, privilege and agency we have been given, to raise the common good over self-interest, ensure justice for all, find peace within and without, honor and elevate the feminine and heal the Earth.

Seeing the world as a stage on which to explore the furthest reaches of what it is to be human. Where we choose to recognize and use the power, privilege and agency we have been given, to raise the common good over self-interest, ensure justice for all, find peace within and without, honor and elevate the feminine and heal the Earth.

This is the future



 worth choosing.