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Yet, we also have a collective one.

We’ve been told many times that
we all have a
story within.

A story of what it means to be human and right now, we get to decide what’s in the next chapter. It’s up to us if the story of our humanity reads like true crime or becomes a hero’s journey where we come together to build a future worth choosing. We all have a role to play in creating our tomorrow, and one of Jon's roles is as a storyteller inspiring transformation through words. 

As we come together to break the mold of who we were told to be, we must write new stories to create a new future, and these are the ones he's writing at the moment.

We’ve been told many times that we all have a

story within us. 


Themes Jon is Currently Exploring

The Story of Men

The Story of Men

"I’m intrigued about how we can call it quits on outdated thinking about masculinity, breaking out of the mold and rethinking what it is to be a man. My writing on this topic explores the origins of our patriarchal culture and the ways this plays out in us. I'm excited to expand the conversation that is bringing about a new harmony between the genders as a step toward building a culture that honors all of life; a future worth choosing."

Your Planet (still) Needs You

"We’re nearly two decades on since I wrote my book Your Planet Needs You, and lots has changed, including me. We're now acquainted with social media and pandemics, we're moved (or not) by #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter. The Earth groans as she feeds more mouths, 2 billion more in just 18 years. I’m sitting down to review the arguments in the book, gauge our progress and ponder how I might treat the subject today."

Your Planet (Still) Needs You

Messages From The Medicine

"In my deliberate engagement with the mystery I have a practice to explore other realms of consciousness and perception. In these psychonautical adventures I am allowed glimpses of a wider reality and given guidance and answers to the questions I bring. The fruits of this are ever more relevant and powerful truths that I aim to incorporate into my life, my work and my writing."

Messages From The Medicine

Questions Men Ask

"Through my podcast and writing, I'm exploring the questions men are asking in the highly-charged debate about the role of men.

As the culture war rages around us, many voices are aiming to define how a man should be a man. Perhaps more interesting and valuable to ask is, "how do we as a society reliably produce healthy men, able to play a part in creating a future that works for  everyone?"

Questions Men Ask

And The Occasional Poem

"Sometimes the Universe speaks to me in poetry. Often these poems have an accompanying story and speak to particular moments. Sometimes they are an attempt to capture the ineffable.

Frequently I've discovered, sometimes a little too late, that these poems come to me to guide my own next steps. Often they nourish others too."

And The Occasional Poem

